Our Ethos
The Ferndown Way drives consistency and high expectations across our school to help students achieve both academically and also to develop as successful young individuals. We recognise that for your people support is needed along the way both inside and outside the classroom for this to happen. We have a fantastic experienced team of well-trained pastoral managers and heads of year who are able to deal with any pastoral issues that may arise.
Alongside this, all students have a well-being card that supports and signposts students to be able to access support out of school hours, or to support their self-care. Students are encouraged to keep these in their phone cases or wallets for a time they might need to use them.
Our Ethos
The Ferndown Way drives consistency and high expectations across our school to help students achieve both academically and also to develop as successful young individuals. We recognise that for your people support is needed along the way both inside and outside the classroom for this to happen. We have a fantastic experienced team of well-trained pastoral managers and heads of year who are able to deal with any pastoral issues that may arise.
Alongside this, all students have a well-being card that supports and signposts students to be able to access support out of school hours, or to support their self-care. Students are encouraged to keep these in their phone cases or wallets for a time they might need to use them.
If you have any concerns please contact one of the members of staff listed on this page or call the school on 01202 871243.
Pastoral Contact
The Year 9 team are Mrs R Barrett (Head of Year), Miss. R. Stirling (Pastoral Manager) and Mrs. S. Chater (SLT link). They can be contacted at
The Year 10 team are Mr. R. Howard (Head of Year) Miss. A. L. Clements (Pastoral Manager) and Mrs D. Kenchington (SLT link). They can be contacted at
The Year 11 team are Mrs. C. Hicks (Head of Year), Mrs. J. Cheeseman (Pastoral Manager) and Mr. Jones (SLT link). They can be contacted at
The Sixth Form team are Nadia Abdulgani (Sixth Form Pastoral Manager), Miss. K. Raisbeck (Deputy Head of Sixth Form), Miss. C. Juddery (Head of Sixth Form). They can be contacted at
Pastoral Polices
- Anti Bullying
- Attendance
- Behaviour (including suspension and exclusion)
- Child Protection
- Code of Conduct
- Computer & WiFi Use Agreement
- Confidentiality
- Looked After Children
- Online and Digital Technology
- Privacy Notice / Data Sharing
- Relationships & Sex Education
- SEND Information Report & Policy
- Whistleblowing
- Young Carers
- Separated Parents Protocol
Financial Support
Information on financial support, free school meals, pupil premium, bus information and our charging and remission policy can be found on our Financial Support Page
Pastoral Care Team at Ferndown Upper School
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Sixth Form
Young Carers
There are an estimated 800,000 Young Carers in the UK (The Children’s Society 2022) but many are hidden in society either because they are unaware they are a Young Carer or because they are too worried or embarrassed to ask for help.
At Ferndown Upper School, we are aware that some students may have caring roles at home. We believe that all children and young people should have equal access to education, regardless of their home life. Identifying these Young Carers means that they can receive the support they need to remain safe and achieve their potential in education and beyond.
A Young Carer is a child between the age of 5 to 18 who provides care for another person. They could provide care for their parent, both parents, a brother, a sister or a grandparent.
When a young person looks after someone in their family who has a disability, suffers with mental, physical ill-health or with addiction, they may need extra support to help them get the most out of school. As a school, we are very aware of and responsive to, the particular needs that our Young Carers may have. We aim to provide a supportive environment for those students who may have more responsibility at home than their peers.
We work closely with MyTime Young Carers Charity to ensure that our Young Carers receive the support and opportunities for respite, friendship and fun that they deserve. MyTime represent an invaluable resource in our mission to ensure that the Young Carers at our school make the same progress as their peers in education.
If your child is a registered Young Carer or you think they may be a Young Carer, please contact our Young Carers Lead – Nadia Abdulgani to find out more about how we can support your child.
Young Carers
Pastoral Care
FUS has an excellent reputation for the pastoral care we offer to all our students. We place real and significant importance on ensuring a learning environment that is safe and encouraging as well as exciting and challenging. We aim to create an environment where children feel valued, listened to and safe and where their self-esteem and resilience is promoted.
FUS is committed to safeguarding and protecting all children in our care. Staff are alert to possible risks and clear procedures are in place for dealing with expressions of concern. Please find our dedicated Safeguarding page here.
When students join FUS they become part of a house and are placed in a vertical tutor group which contains Year 9, 10 and 11 students. (NB. For 20-21 student; the tutor groups will be year group based to maintain social bubbles and help ensure student safety). Tutor groups are led by our 3 Heads of House. Tutors meet their groups each day and build strong relationships with these students as they remain with them through the 3 years. These positive relationships are built through daily support, house assemblies (including reward and celebration assemblies), house competitions and challenges, weekly quizzes and weekly discussions through Voting Voice to support the development of British Values.
The pastoral team are here to support students with any issues that arise, however big or small they may appear to the student, whilst encouraging our core values of challenge, curiosity, collaboration, reflection, resilience and responsibility. Pastoral is open to students to drop in before tutor, at break, lunch and after school. The pastoral and SEND teams work closely together. Please find more information on SEND here.
If you’re looking for further help we have a handy page called Getting Help: The Ferndown Way with advice and resources to explore.
What We Do
Tutors lead reflective journals providing students reflection time and mentoring to support progress. The tutor is responsible for the day-to-day care of your child and, therefore, is the first link between parents and school. Parents are encouraged to let the tutor know of any issues affecting the behaviour, progress or well-being of their children.
We recognise that at various points in a young person’s life, additional support can be needed for a whole range of reasons. The pastoral team are highly qualified, experienced and specialist staff. The team work collaboratively with young people, their friends and families to support these needs and also to signpost students to more personalised support if needed.
The pastoral team for each Year group is led by a Head of Year and Pastoral Manager, with a member of SLT. The team has overview for the academic progress, behaviour and attendance of each student, whilst supporting wellbeing and providing pastoral care. Year assemblies are held each half term to target year specific content. The Pastoral Manager is a non-teaching member of staff and trained DDSL, who provides advice and support for students in their year group. The team work closely together with a wider pastoral team, to provide support for individual students and act as a point of contact for parents after the tutor.
On site we have volunteer counsellors, an ELSA, an independent careers adviser and a range of skilled staff to support a variety of needs. Our in-school counsellors offer confidential support and advice to individuals as well as work with small groups of young people to address self-esteem and low mood, developing sound self-help and long term coping strategies.
Working in partnership is crucial to FUS. We work closely through well-established links with external and independent charities and agencies. We engage with other agencies to support students in achieving their potential.
Our partnership with parents and carers is equally important to us, maintaining regular contact as required to ensure that each and every one of them continues to make progress in their learning and personal development. Go 4 Schools allows parents daily live updates on progress, attendance and behaviour. This facility enables discussions to occur when needed, rather than relying on termly reporting to identify concerns.
For a child to reach their full educational potential we expect all pupils to strive for 100% attendance. Every opportunity will be used to convey to pupils and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance.
School attendance is subject to various education laws and this school attendance policy is written to reflect these laws and the guidance produced by the Department for Education. FUS deems 98-100% as excellent, 96-98 % as good, 95% as satisfactory and below 95% as poor. Students whose attendance falls below 90% are deemed as being Persistently Absent.
It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to inform the school each day of student absence, by either: using MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) to report the absence, emailing or calling the school absence line 01202 871243 option 1.
We work closely with Dorset Attendance team and our attendance policy can be found here. Our attendance procedures can also be found through the policy.
Each term students with 100% attendance for the term are awarded P5 and this is celebrated in house assemblies. Regular updates are given through tutor time, where students discuss their attendance with their tutor to ensure they are striving for excellent attendance.
Support With Vaping
Recent Pastoral Updates
MHST in Schools
Dorset Targeted Outreach Newsletter - June 2022
Assembly Safer Schools and Communites Policing Team
Dear Parents and Carers We have had assemblies this week with the Safer Schools and Communities Policing Team with a focus on Hate Crime, Equality and Diversity. The assemblies finished with reminding students how to report concerns and where to access help out of school on these. Students were also reminded that any concerns should be reported to Pastoral so we are able to investigate, support and where appropriate sanction. I have attached these slides for you here, and on our pastoral page of the website as well. Kind regards Jo Taylor Deputy Headteacher
Drug Initiative and Support Letter to Parents September 2021
29th September 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
As parents, carers and teachers we all want the same for our children – for them to be safe and fully prepared for adult life. Our school is an extremely safe place and we take this safeguarding role very seriously and will always endeavour to maintain this.
We have a large, hugely experienced, safeguarding team at Ferndown Upper School, with daily support for all students. Our website also contains much safeguarding information (, so please do have a look, there are links to online safety, personal safety, drug and alcohol issues etc. It also includes what to do if you are worried or concerned for any young person either at FUS or at another school.
Young people today face many new pressures that were not issues when we were growing up. And one increasing area of concern is access to drugs and the range of substances now available. This issue has been further exacerbated by our closeness to several major cities and the national issue of ‘County Lines’, where young people are being exploited by criminals, which in turn is increasing the supply of drugs into more remote areas like Dorset.
We are determined to not only educate our children about the harms of substance abuse but to also ensure their safety from these threats whilst at school. And to this end, we will take whatever action is required to ensure that Ferndown Upper School remains a safe place.
Therefore, over the upcoming months we will be working with students, parents and staff through a range of approaches to further raise awareness of the impact of substance misuse.
Previously we have worked closely with the Amy Winehouse Foundation, where the Foundation shared stories and information with young people and work to further educate parents and staff in awareness and knowledge of substances and their misuse. We have also worked and continue to work closely with Escape Line to ensure our community understands County Lines, which involves using children, and young people to move drugs across towns and counties. County Line gangs are operating in Dorset and particularly in large urban centres such as Bournemouth and Poole.
Our intelligence, through our relationships with our parents and students, tells us that we do not have illegal substances coming into school and we want to ensure that in this changing environment, this remains the case. We will therefore be periodically deploying drug detection dogs with no notice in our school to ensure our premises continue to remain drug free. We completed this as highly successful days over the last few years and we will be doing this again this academic year. We wish to reassure you that the dogs will be deployed to search a whole building and not individuals. However, during their search the dogs may indicate a substance or residue on students or in property belonging to students. Should that happen, students will be searched (in line with school policy and national guidance). Police assistance will be provided where necessary and parents/carers would be informed at the earliest opportunity of this. Additionally, students and families affected would be signposted to counselling and family support services.
I do need to remind you, that any student found in possession of an illegal substance would be at risk of permanent exclusion and / or face prosecution.
All these visits into school will operate in a Covid safe manner to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors. Please do feel free to discuss this with your child. We will update students in assemblies next week. We will also be working with any students who have a real fear of / allergy to dogs, and this will be discussed in the assembly.
Thank you for supporting us with this range of approaches to ensure our young people stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Jo Taylor
Deputy Headteacher
Year 9 Safeguarding Assembly Information September 2021
Dear parents / carers of Year 9
Last week in assembly we introduced Year 9 to our Safeguarding team and our wellbeing cards.
We have a big safeguarding team at Ferndown Upper School, which includes Mrs Cheeseman (Year 9 Pastoral Manager) and Mrs Lock (Year 9 Head of Year) and is headed up by myself, Mrs Taylor (DSL / Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Nolan-Ford (DSL / Lead Pastoral Manager), to ensure we are able to support all students and keep everyone safe and happy both in and out of school – on-line and in person.
You can find our safeguarding page on our website ( with links to the team and useful help and advice, as well as who to contact if you are concerned about the wellbeing or safety of a young person. Students are supported with staying safe through PSHE, tutor activities, assemblies, guest speakers and drop down days covering a wide range of topics about keeping safe.
At Ferndown Upper School, all students have a wellbeing card, which we encourage students to keep in their wallet / purse or phone case. These cards signpost students to organisations that can offer them help and advice. If you would like to see these, they are found on our website and you can also collect a copy for home if you would like from reception. Students will spend time in tutor exploring them this week to build their confidence for accessing support for themselves of their friends, now or in the future. Please do ask your son/daughter about these.
We spoke with students about our FUS culture and Ferndown Family – which comes from mutual respect, tolerance and kindness for everyone. We stressed to students that if there are others not acting in this way, they must let the Year 9 team or their tutor know and we will always follow up quickly and effectively. Students can report this in person to any staff member, to pastoral, through email to or through parents or a friend in the same ways.
Dorset - Mind Your Head
Dorset Mind Your Head are excited to send you our brand-new ‘Coping with Covid’ support booklet (attached). This booklet has been written and put together by our amazing team of Young Ambassadors (aged 15-25) and it is filled with advice on Covid-related issues such as:
- Burn Out and Stress
- Difficult Family Situations
- Staying in Touch with Friends
- 5 Ways to Wellbeing
If any students would like extra support with their mental wellbeing through this challenging time, please visit or email us at
Have a look through the Coping with COVID booklet here.
Support With Vaping
You may have heard of ChatHealth over the last 2 years, an NHS School Nurse anonymous text messaging service, which was made available to all Middle and Senior Schools Pan Dorset from June 2017. The service is for young people aged 11-19 years old (year 7 and above) Pan Dorset and is part of a unique, multi-award winning NHS scheme, which has been highly acclaimed by students, staff and NHS officials for improving access to healthcare for a young audience.
With the upcoming events in relation to COVID-19, we are asking if you can reinforce to students, that ChatHealth will still be available for them to access Monday – Friday 8.30 – 4.30 (not Bank Holidays), whether schools are open or closed, for any queries or concerns around emotional health, physical health, sexual health, family, exams, relationships etc
ChatHealth Phone Number: 07480 635511
I Can & I Am
- Internet safety
- Nutrition and wellbeing
- Building resilience
- Phones
- Gambling and gaming
- Mental Health First Aid
- Sex and Pornography
- Self-regulation and AS tracking
- Building happiness
- Parenting Tips on promoting strong self-esteem and emotional resilience.
Private Fostering
information on Private Fostering
We hope you find this page useful. However, we know that nothing beats a conversation, so please get in touch and we will do our best to help.