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Mrs. J. Taylor

Designated Safeguarding Lead & Prevent Champion


Mrs. J. Cheeseman

Lead Pastoral Manager / Deputy designated safeguarding lead


Mrs. A. East

Link Governor - Safeguarding

At Ferndown Upper School, the governors and the staff recognise that the welfare of the child is paramount and we take our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children and young people in our care extremely seriously.

If you are a student at our school and you are concerned for yourself or a friend, please talk to one of the safeguarding team.

If have a concern about a child, particularly if you think s/he may be suffering or at risk of suffering harm, it is your responsibility to share information promptly with the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection (DSL) or one of the Deputies.

Please phone us on 01202 871243 with any concerns and ask to speak to Niki Nolan-Ford or Jo Taylor, about a safeguarding matter. If they are unavailable, you will be directed to one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads listed below.

If reporting a concern, please provide as much information as possible.

If you have a concern during school holidays or out of school hours, please phone one of the numbers below.

If you have a serious concern because you think a child may be being abused, (physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect or sexual abuse) you should contact Children’s Services (ChAD) direct on 01305 228866 for a child that lives in Dorset.

If the child lives in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole, please call 01202 735046 or if out of office hours, please contact the Out of Hours Service on 01202 738256 or use the details at

For all emergency situations please call 999 and ask for the police.

Please see our pastoral page for links to a range of helpful websites to support young people and their parents with challenges they might currently be experiencing.

Support With Vaping

Our Safeguarding Team - DDSLs

Ms. A. L. Clements

Pastoral Manager

Mrs. J. Cheeseman

Lead Pastoral Manager

Ms. N. Abdulgani

Pastoral Manager

Mr. J. Collins

Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral

Mr. A. Jones

Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour

Mrs. C. Lock

Assistant Headteacher & SENCO

Click CEOP

CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who are being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. Click the button above to visit the CEOP Safety Centre for information and advice and make a report directly to CEOP.

CEOP also provide a wealth of information for parents / carers that is worth a look.

Helpful Links

The links below are for reference and are not affiliated with Ferndown Upper School.

Helpful Websites

Sexual Violence & Sexual Harrasment


Childline offers help and advice to children who are worried, concerned or at risk in any way. If you would like to contact an impartial person to discuss any issues that you may be finding difficult, please click on the link below or ring the number shown.

The Samaritans

The Samaritans

Offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever is getting to you.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Free of charge

24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247

and through

Young Minds

Young Minds

A leading organisation that supports young minds to be supported and empowered whatever the challenges. 

The Self-Harm Network

The Self-Harm Network

National Self-Harm Network 


Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)


“CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. CEOP protects children from harm online and offline, both directly and in partnership with local and international agencies.” Click on the link if you or somebody you know of has been, or may be, the victim of on-line harassment, bullying or exploitation.

UK Safer Internet Centre
Internet Watch Foundation

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)

Click on the link if you have discovered any offensive websites or obscene content on the internet. The Internet Watch Foundation has the power to shut these sites down. To minimise the availability of potentially criminal internet content specifically:

  • Child sexual abuse content* hosted anywhere in the world.
  • Criminally obscene adult content hosted in the UK.
  • Non-photographic child sexual abuse images hosted in the UK
Child Sexual Exploitation