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 Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. – Edwin Powell Hubble

Mr. David Dean

Mr. David Dean

Head of Physics

Mrs. K. Bothamley

Mrs. K. Bothamley

Physics Teacher

Mr. Martin Haynes

Mr. Martin Haynes

Physics Teacher

Miss. Ashleigh Baker

Miss. Ashleigh Baker

Physics Teacher

Mr. Nick Mitchener

Mr. Nick Mitchener

Physics Technician

Mr. David Dean

Mr. David Dean

Head of Physics

Mrs. Kimi Bothamley

Mrs. Kimi Bothamley

Physics Teacher

Mr. Martin Haynes

Mr. Martin Haynes

Physics Teacher

Miss. Ashleigh Baker

Miss. Ashleigh Baker

Physics Teacher

Mr. Nick Mitchener

Mr. Nick Mitchener

Physics Technician

The Physics department is a wealth of experience and enthusiasm with more than 50 years of teaching between us all. Experience with years 7-13, coaching and mentoring Oxbridge applicants and experience and links with industry.

We offer trips, visits and experiences as a part of the school year to extend the classroom curriculum as we have the strong belief that not all learning happens on the classroom!


Year 9 –

Students cover the topics of Energy, Electricity and Particles, building on and consolidating knowledge from Key Stage 3. Practical and skill development feature greatly in this year’s curriculum in readiness for majority of the curriculum in Year 10.

Making Physics more real and applicable in everyday life through the ideas of renewable energy resources, how to save on the electricity bill, and how the world around us is put together is the key for Year 9.

Year 10 –

Atomic physics, Forces and Waves are the topics for this year, broken down into small chunks in order to create links and vary learning over each half term. Skills are developed and honed in this year around the ideas of nuclear radiation, motion and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Year 11 –

A year that re-visits many topics through revision and practice but whilst completing the curriculum with Waves, Forces, Electromagnetism and everybody’s favourite, Space.

Careers in Physics

A-Level Physics is for students who have an interest in, and enjoy Physics, want to find out about how things work, enjoy applying their mind to solving problems, enjoy carrying out investigations by the application of imaginative and logical thinking and want to use Physics to support other qualifications or progress onto further studies or employment.

Given the skills that are gained within the subject routes for progression in further study or in employment are extensive

Physics A level is held in very high regard by most industries especially ones where there is a specific need to be logical and rigorous either in testing or reporting –  Finance, Law and Management, the Armed Forces, Astronomy/Space Industries, Computer Science, Dentistry, Electronics, Engineering of all disciplines, Materials Science, Medicine, Medical Physics, Pharmacy, Product Design, Physiotherapy.

Labour Market Information – LMI

There is a higher and growing employment demand in the sector in Dorset and this has continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  Ferndown in itself is an Engineering hub with many major Engineering firms based in the locality. It is really useful to look at the labour market when considering a career involving Physics.  Many sectors are growth areas in terms of employment opportunities.  Just in the example of Civil Engineering, the workforce is projected to grow by 5.1% over the period to 2027, creating 4,400 jobs.
In the same period, 39.9% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 34,700 job openings.

The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable LMI information – see link below:

Pathways Example Post 16 Routes – Level 3 A Level

  • A-Level Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science

Pathways Example – Apprenticeship Ideas

  • There are many Engineering based apprenticeships available from a Level 2 onwards