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In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.

– Charles Darwin

Mrs. N. Bailey

Mrs. N. Bailey

Head of Biology

Miss. S Lewis

Miss. S Lewis

Biology Teacher

Mr. O Timmis

Mr. O Timmis

Biology Teacher

Miss. A Whitehead

Miss. A Whitehead

Head of Biology

Mr. Luke Wiseman

Mr. Luke Wiseman

Biology Technician

Mrs. N. Bailey

Mrs. N. Bailey

Head of Biology

Mr. O. Timmis

Mr. O. Timmis

Biology Teacher

Miss. S. Lewis

Miss. S. Lewis

Biology Teacher

Miss. A Whitehead

Miss. A Whitehead

Biology Teacher

Mr. Luke Wiseman

Mr. Luke Wiseman

Biology Technician

Biology is the study of the living world. Through studying the world around us we are able to discover more about the many species that inhabit the Earth, including how they function, evolve and interact with us and other living organisms. The field of biology has seen many advances in areas such as medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. We are better able to understand more about the past through the study of genetics and evolution and together with research in ecology and conservation we are finding ways to help shape and save the future of our planet.

The FUS Biology department aim to provide a broad a balanced Biology curriculum that will engage and inspire our students. Delivered by a team of experienced biology specialists we hope to encourage the Biologists of the future


Our curriculum aims to build upon and consolidate knowledge from KS3, giving opportunities for collaborative and independent learning as well as developing key practical and exam skills throughout the course.

Year 9 –

Cell biology – This includes the structure and function of cells, microscopy, cell transport and cell division

Organisation – This includes digestion and enzymes and the Heart, blood and blood vessels

Year 10 –

Bioenergetics – This includes plant tissues, Photosynthesis and respiration

Infection and response – This includes communicable diseases in plant and animals, the immune response, preventing and treating disease

Inheritance – This includes inheritance, inherited diseases, variation, evolution and natural selection.

Year 11 –

Ecology –  This includes ecosystems, sampling methods, biodiversity, conservation, human impacts

Homeostasis – This includes the nervous system (brain, eye, controlling body temperature) and the endocrine (hormonal) system (Blood glucose, kidneys, reproductive hormones)

Careers in Biology

It’s an exciting time to be a biologist. Biologists are working to solve the biggest challenges currently faced by people and the planet – fighting disease, protecting the environment and feeding our growing population

You will find biologists working all over the world in almost every setting imaginable. In research laboratories, hospitals, offices, classrooms, factories, museums. The employment opportunities are vast with jobs including Accountant, Bioengineer, Clinical technician, Curator, Doctor, Epidemiologist, Geneticist, Librarian, Mycologist, Neuroscientist, Patent lawyer, Press officer, Publisher, Teacher, Zoologist

Studying biology can help to develop skills such as analytical skills, attention to detail, communication, creative thinking, numeracy and maths, observational skills, planning, presentation skills, problem-solving, research, resource management, scientific techniques, team working and time management

Labour Market Information – LMI

There is a higher and growing employment demand in the sector in Dorset and this has continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It is really useful to look at the labour market when considering a career involving Biology.  Many sectors are growth areas in terms of employment opportunities.  Just in the example of Medical practitioners the workforce is projected to grow by 8.7% over the period to 2027, creating 26,300 jobs.
In the same period, 53.7% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 162,500 job openings.

The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable LMI information – see link below:

Pathways Example Post 16 Routes – Level 3 A Level

  • A-Level Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
  • A-Level Biology, PE, Health and social
  • A-Level Biology, Chemistry, Geography,

Pathways Example – Apprenticeship Ideas

  • There are many biology based apprenticeships available from a Level 2 onwards

Careers In Biology

It’s an exciting time to be a biologist. Biologists are working to solve the biggest challenges currently faced by people and the planet – fighting disease, protecting the environment and feeding our growing population

You will find biologists working all over the world in almost every setting imaginable. In research laboratories, hospitals, offices, classrooms, factories, museums. The employment opportunities are vast with jobs including Accountant, Bioengineer, Clinical technician, Curator, Doctor, Epidemiologist, Geneticist, Librarian, Mycologist, Neuroscientist, Patent lawyer, Press officer, Publisher, Teacher, Zoologist

Studying biology can help to develop skills such as analytical skills, attention to detail, communication, creative thinking, numeracy and maths, observational skills, planning, presentation skills, problem-solving, research, resource management, scientific techniques, team working and time management

Labour Market Information – LMI

There is a higher and growing employment demand in the sector in Dorset and this has continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It is really useful to look at the labour market when considering a career involving Biology.  Many sectors are growth areas in terms of employment opportunities.  Just in the example of Medical practitioners the workforce is projected to grow by 8.7% over the period to 2027, creating 26,300 jobs.
In the same period, 53.7% of the workforce is projected to retire, creating 162,500 job openings.

The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable LMI information – see link below:

Pathways Example Post 16 Routes – Level 3 A Level

  • A-Level Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
  • A-Level Biology, Psychology, Health and social
  • A-Level Biology, Chemistry, Geography,

Pathways Example – Apprenticeship Ideas

  • There are many biology based apprenticeships available from a Level 2 onwards